Frequently asked questions

Visit Us


  • Sundays at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM
  • Sundays at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM


  • Everyone!
  • We also have Legacy Kids for kids from birth - 5th grade at both Experiences.
  • We have Legacy JR High (6th - 8th grade) at the 10:30 AM Experience ONLY


  • 1655 W. Frye Rd. Chandler, AZ 85224. See you next week!
  • Chandler/Gilbert YMCA


What should I wear?

Clothes....Just come ready to worship and connect with God and His people!

Do I need to bring a Bible?

Many that join us bring a bible or use the Bible App to follow along. We however show each verse on the screens for you to follow along.

Where do I park?

We have an amazing parking team that will help you find a parking spot. The Chandler/Gilbert YMCA and the Chandler Unified School District building has plenty of parking to choose from!

Do you have childcare?

Yes! We have an amazing children's ministry that's friendly, safe, and setting the foundations for your kids to love, live, and lead like Jesus. Legacy Kids ministry is for birth-5th grade. Check-in for for kids ministry ends 30 minutes after each experience starts. 6th-8th graders are invited to Legacy Jr High during the 10:00a experiences. 9th-12th graders are invited to Legacy High in the 11:45a experience and High School life groups with food happen right after on-site. 

What to do after the experience?

Hangout with family and friends in our lobby or grab lunch nearby in Downtown Chandler!

How long does an experience typically last?

Typical Sunday experiences last 60-75 minutes.

What do you believe?

Check out our beliefs page here!

Love, Live & Lead like Jesus.